On Literacy

Posted By on April 8, 2014


5 Responses to “On Literacy”

  1. Diana Whynacht says:

    Whether you think cursive is obsolete or not, whether you think there's no need to write in cursive any more, there is most definitely a need to continue teaching to READ cursive.

    If you can't read cursive, you are not fully literate. As Randy pointed out, history might as well be written in code.

    Even if his school doesn't teach it, Viktor will most definitely be learning proper penmanship!!

  2. Reminds me of when the communists took over China. One of the first things they did was switch the characters taught in school to a "simplified"version they had made up. Within a generation a country with a written history over 3,00 yrs old was reduced to a state where, aside from a few scholars, most people cannot read anything written more than 50 years ago.

  3. Reminds me of when the communists took over China. One of the first things they did was switch the characters taught in school to a "simplified"version they had made up. Within a generation a country with a written history over 3,000 yrs old was reduced to a state where, aside from a few scholars, most people cannot read anything written more than 50 years ago.

  4. Randy L. Whynacht says:

    It needs no barbarians at the gate to shred the fabric of a culture if the barbarians are running the nation. And so it is world wide, ever so peaceful and polite Canada included.

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