The Sixth Year of Maksim

| May 23, 2023

Six years ago today, Maksim Cezary Whynacht presented all 8 pounds and 1 ounce of himself fit for duty as third in line to the Chieftainship of Clan LFM. Time does not permit utterance of the creative outburst such an occasion inspires but until that gets unleashed upon the world, today’s pictorial essay will have […]

Don’t Judge the World By Your Own Shitty Standards

| May 21, 2023

Our title today is drawn from the oft spoken (and not without more than ample provocation) sage words of my Esteemed Friend James Keating. Their application should be obvious as you read on. This poem was placed in my head a couple days ago by two Crows acting on behalf of whatever Force of Nature […]

In Recognition of Most Excellent Service!

| May 14, 2023

If you have learned anything about us by now, it should be obvious that Mrs. LFM and I are very Old School. Notwithstanding what Tools and technologies we may choose to enable us in a task, First Principles will be the guiding influence in their application. Another guiding principle seeing heavy use around this Household […]