Randy | April 24, 2013
Yesterday, Mrs. LFM and I learned that the child we are expecting to be born this coming August is a boy. Evidently, even in matters that are beyond the reach of conscious control, we are still traditionalists. So now, the subject of naming this boy can be addressed. Unlike other parents who go at the […]
Category: About Beginnings, Abuse of Authority, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Entertainment, Family Matters, Lest We Forget, Mrs. LFM, Polish by Marriage, Public Service Announcements, Romance, Sex, Tom Foolery, True Arte, True Grit, Wisdom That's Stuck to my Soul |
Randy | April 14, 2013
“This is my passion: how do animals relate to the stories we tell ourselves about who we are? Where does the line between human and animal identities blur? These questions are the seeds that my films grow out of, and I’ve been surprised and challenged by the answers I’ve found so far.” ~ from About […]
Category: About Beginnings, Alpha and Omega, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Entertainment, Natural Selection, The Dark Side, The Way of the Wild, True Arte, True Grit |
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Randy | April 13, 2013
There is a sign by the main drag in Bedford, Nova Scotia right now that makes reference to a historical event – that the first telephone in the community was installed in the office of the local physician. This begs the question of exactly who, in the name of Hell, was expected to call it? […]
Category: Alpha and Omega, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Dogs, Family Matters, Moments of Magick, Public Service Announcements, Reality Stranger than Fiction, The Dark Side, The Way of the Wild, True Arte, True Grit, Winter is Coming, Wisdom That's Stuck to my Soul |
Randy | April 12, 2013
Last Sunday’s feature, Rightful Indignation and Facebook Need to Meet, put a spotlight on some particularly vile bullshit that was being permitted to exist and circulate all too freely on facebook. I asked for the support of all loyal LFM readers who were users of facebook in targeting the offenders through complaints to the website’s […]
Category: A Call to Arms, Alpha and Omega, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Dogs, Family Matters, Lest We Forget, Mrs. LFM, Natural Selection, Public Service Announcements, The Way of the Wild, True Arte, True Grit, Winter is Coming |
Randy | April 10, 2013
There is a saying that became popular in the dark and misty days of computer programming that defined the quality of output as a function of input – “Garbage in, garbage out.” Such an irony that this simple and clear philosophy would have been present at the infancy of the single most prolific and significant […]
Category: A Call to Arms, About Beginnings, Abuse of Authority, Alpha and Omega, Lest We Forget, Public Service Announcements, Shit and Shinola, Winter is Coming, Wisdom That's Stuck to my Soul |
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Randy | April 7, 2013
WARNING: This article contains graphic and disturbing images of animal abuse that SHOULD make you angry. Please keep reading. We live in a shrill world wherein people burn themselves out attacking others over the holding of beliefs and the expression of personal philosophies that they should really have the good manners to stay the hell […]
Category: A Call to Arms, Abuse of Authority, Alpha and Omega, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Dogs, Family Matters, Lest We Forget, Public Service Announcements, Reality Stranger than Fiction, Shit and Shinola, The Dark Side, Winter is Coming, WTF? |
Randy | April 3, 2013
I first learned about GlobeIn from this article posted last Saturday to George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight. I’ll start with letting GlobeIn explain themselves in their own words: This is the lamest sales pitch for a fundamentally flawed and self-serving idea I’ve heard in hours. Let’s look at why I feel that way. To begin, you may […]
Category: A Call to Arms, Abuse of Authority, Alpha and Omega, Business As Usual, Food and Drink, Lest We Forget, Public Service Announcements, Shit and Shinola, The Way of the Wild, Winter is Coming, WTF? |
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