Al Dente – With Bitey McBighterson: How About a National Do Something Your Dog Will Actually ENJOY Day?

| March 30, 2013

I’ve been hearing a lot of bullshit about hugging Dogs lately. Digging around, I turned up this piece of crap that includes so much bad advice for clueless people that I don’t know who to bite first. There’s this: April 10th is a day dedicated to something you probably do multiple times within every 24-hour […]

Dear Ryszard

| March 24, 2013

My dear and most honoured Friend Ryszard, Wherever you are, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. As always, and without further delay, let me express to you my undying gratitude for everything good that is in my life, as personified by Diana. When last we spoke, damn but it’s hard […]

Worldly Wisdom Wednesday – Beware of Labels

| March 20, 2013

Written words are visual guides to the making of sounds that, when uttered aloud, convey meaning. An example is the word “label”. A label can be a physical object that, when applied to another object, conveys important information about it. What it is, who made it, what it’s made of, how to use it, how […]

A Couple of Tunes for the Sake of the Day

| March 17, 2013

It’s all about the booze and the music today. I can’t pour you a dram through the internet, ‘though you all know I would if I could, but at least I can share a little LFM musical preference. This Dennis Leary classic should need no big fanfare of introduction. Have a listen! My Friend Peter […]

Al Dente – With Bitey McBighterson

| March 10, 2013

In human reference, “al dente” is a word used to describe a cooked state of food, typically pasta, in which it is still firm when bitten. But to an Australian Cattle Dog, al dente isn’t about food. It’s about everything! To them, it describes a state of mind and a way of being! In the […]

The Monster Under the Bed

| March 10, 2013

Inspired by impending Fatherhood I find myself thinking more and more of the lullabies and bedtime stories that have been crafted over the centuries to sooth the mind and calm the fears of a counterproductively sleepy child. A recurring theme is the monster under the bed and how to deal with it. Any Parent worthy […]

Musings on Parental Song and Dance

| March 9, 2013

Sixteen weeks as of yesterday, and the SFM is ticking along like a little but fast growing clock. As I meditate on life with whoever has the honour of bestowing the treasured Title of Mother on Mrs. LFM, and Father upon me, I’m honing my repertoire of musical talents against the day when they will […]

Worldly Wisdom Wednesday – Ripples in a Pond

| March 6, 2013

Man is a social animal, and a fundamental departure from the Way of the Wild as it is meant to express itself in Man occurs when the value of individual contribution becomes subjugated to serving the role of cog in the machine. Treated as a mere tool, quick and cheap to create and all too […]

Four Pillars and a Double Standard

| March 3, 2013

A fire breaks out in your kitchen. You have and are permitted to own a fire extinguisher that is more than adequate to stop the blaze, but prohibited from using it in favour of running away to let the Fire Department handle the situation. An hour later, your house is rubble, and both your wheel […]

Which Side of the Lock is the Safety On?

| March 2, 2013

I’m in the throes of putting together a new Self Reliance Course series, and as usual, the Daemon that lives in my head pooped … I mean popped … out a poem. Behold … Ode to a Home Invasion By LFM My door was locked. You didn’t care. You kicked it from the frame. The […]