Scout Leading Revisited

| May 30, 2010

This article is dedicated to Eric Noeldechen whose Facebook photo album documenting his recent Wood Badge training, and the resulting correspondence, inspired me to resurrect it. And no, this is not a portrait of Eric. Back in the early 1980’s I embarked on what would be six glorious years as a Leader of Boy Scouts. […]

An Illustrative Example

| May 26, 2010

Hot on the heels of my last article I submit this brilliant piece of work from Blur Studio, illustrating both Gentlemanly and “gentlemanly” conduct. Take copious notes then meet me at the Pub at zero two hundred sharp for discussion. I’ll gut the bastard that says an educational film can’t be entertaining!

The Large Fierce Mammal School of Gentlemanly Arts

| May 22, 2010

Yesterday Mrs. LFM and I were entering our automobile in the parking lot of the Bridgewater Canadian Tire. No sooner had I opened her door for her and ensured that she was safely ensconced within than I encountered a man with whom I have some small acquaintance who said as he approached, “You’re going to […]

A Few Cartoons From Before the Turn of the Century

| May 5, 2010

I was recently rifling through the my archives and happened upon some cartoons I doodled back in the early 1980’s; around the time Mrs. LFM would have been … oh I don’t know … probably two. Now, all these years later, they made the mature Mrs. LFM laugh, so she scanned them for me and […]