Lest We Forget — Lee Miller at a Moment in Time

| November 10, 2018

“How they set it up. She cannot be shown nude (this is LIFE, not Man Ray); a figurine on the table does the trick. In front of the bath, her combat boots, ‘the dust of Dachau still on them’ according to Scherman. And at the back on the left, the portrait. It is a voodoo […]

Lest We Forget — A Timeless Word From Noël Coward

| November 4, 2018

“The war brought front of mind that sense of patriotism that was fundamental to his nature. “Cavalcade had been the most overt and sustained expression to date. At the end of it the heroine, Jane Marryot, gives her toast to the Future — as she has done through the decades we’ve shared with her in […]

Lest We Forget — Of Death and Doodlebugs

| November 3, 2018

This picture has been all over the internet lately, purported to be a photo of a Spitfire about to tumble a Vergeltungswaffe 1 (Vengeance Weapon 1), AKA V1, AKA Buzz Bomb, AKA Doodlebug. While it is a perfect depiction of a manoeuvre performed by RAF pilots during those dark times when the V1 “buzz bomb” […]