Everbody has a Story That Will Break Your Heart, But This Isn’t Working for Me

| May 27, 2012

Back on 21 October 2010 while the first incarnation of my now annual Dark Sentiments series was in full swing, I wrote an article about the Wendigo phenomenon. Part of that contained the facts, as they were then known, in the strange case of Tim McLean wherein his head was severed from his body and […]

Grass Snips Were Meant to Fly

| May 22, 2012

Mrs. LFM was dancing to Starships by Nicki Minaj while preparing donair eggrolls for lunch in our kitchen this afternoon. It’s warm and raining today, and in those rare moments when I could tear my eyes away from her to glance out the kitchen window, I could actually see the plant life getting taller before […]

Dog Days – Dog Bite Awareness Week

| May 21, 2012

Whether or not you observe it where you are, the period from 19-25 May 2012 is National Dog Bite Awareness Week in the US. While I customarily roll my eyes and raise my middle finger at the sheer infantile futility that normally surrounds any observance that seeks to raise “public awareness” of anything, this one […]


| May 17, 2012

The current slate of projects has been keeping me away more than anticipated, so I feel you all deserve a preview of things to come. The Book of Dark Sentiments, being a collection of skullduggery gleaned from previous incarnations of my LFM Dark Sentiments series combined with previously unseen work, is very near completion. It […]