How Cloying

| September 22, 2018

I had cause to use the word “cloying” today in a poem I’m working on. You’ll notice I didn’t say “writing” because that would imply some level of control. My intention was to convey the conventional meaning as defined by Oxford, that being an influence that will, “Disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of […]

Ode to a Discerning Shitter

| September 16, 2018

The LFM Clan includes five Dogs, and of those, our Australian Shepherd Bruce is the most discriminating in the where and when of his every excretory deposit. We are not alone in this. I have previously described Silvia Jay as a, “… deservedly respected Dog behaviour consultant, and tenured member of our extremely short list […]

Musings on a Birthday, Life, and the Squeezing of Balloons

| September 3, 2018

Goode Reader, I flatter myself in the expectation that my absence here of late may have been noted with some modicum of longing for my return, and should you find yourself in the throes of such paroxysms I cry, fear not! This time of year calls upon my personal, creative, and professional energies on a […]