Randy | February 24, 2014
As I sit on the edge of this never made bed, Old guitar in my lap, a new tune in my head, There she stands in the doorway just brushing her hair. It’s my beautiful muse in her underwear. ~ The Muse ~ My Esteemed Friend Gary Carbone brought this wondrous ditty to my attention. […]
Category: Entertainment, Moments of Magick, Mrs. LFM, Romance, Sex, The Dark Side, True Arte, True Grit |
Randy | February 22, 2014
I’ve mentioned my Esteemed Friend and Fellow Fiend Jim Keating more than a few times here, and no doubt will again because he persists in provoking me. His daily updated MAAJAK World (pronounced “MAGIC World”) ezine (MAAJAK = Master At Arms James Albert Keating) has been a daily morning stopping point for me since I […]
Category: Alpha and Omega, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Business As Usual, Entertainment, Family Matters, Lest We Forget, Moments of Magick, Mrs. LFM, Natural Selection, Public Service Announcements, The Dark Side, The Way of the Wild, True Arte, True Grit, Wisdom That's Stuck to my Soul |
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Randy | February 9, 2014
It is always with the greatest of joy that I greet every morning, just because of who I wake up next to, and today marks yet another reason to be both joyful and thankful – the anniversary of my incomparable Wife’s birth! So to you, my Love and most powerful inspiration, there’s this. The happiest of […]
Category: About Beginnings, Family Matters, Mrs. LFM, Natural Selection, Poetry, Polish by Marriage, Romance, Sex, The Way of the Wild, True Arte |
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Randy | February 6, 2014
Yesterday I had the brief, though always delightful, opportunity to converse with Debbie Scottcrnec (click here to read the origin of the name) whose husband Zac has the delightful propensity to buy her sharp pointy things as gifts. Zac follows us here, mostly because of his interest in the Blade Arts and what we have […]
Category: A Call to Arms, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Entertainment, Family Matters, Romance, The Dark Side, True Arte, True Grit |
Randy | February 5, 2014
To many a modern fencer, the “weapon” in hand is no weapon at all, but an instrument of athleticism no different and more deserving of noble regard than a tennis racquet. In discussion with one who openly brings concepts of martial artistry into fencing practice, even accomplished fencers routinely ridicule any such idea as archaic […]
Category: A Call to Arms, About Beginnings, Abuse of Authority, Alpha and Omega, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Business As Usual, Entertainment, Lest We Forget, Natural Selection, Public Service Announcements, Reality Stranger than Fiction, Shit and Shinola, The Dark Side, The Way of the Wild, True Arte, True Grit, WTF? |
Randy | February 4, 2014
It was Jim Keating who brought this wondrously bloodthirsty ditty to my attention this morning, so thanks to him I’m sharing it with you, including the lyrics so you can sing right along if so inclined. Only 18 years old (as of publication), New Zealander Lorde (AKA Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O’Connor) is hitting ALL the […]
Category: A Call to Arms, Alpha and Omega, Bush, Blade, Birch, Bludgeon, and Boomstick, Business As Usual, Entertainment, The Dark Side, True Arte, True Grit |
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