A Strange Turn of Phrase
Posted By Randy on March 31, 2014
A Strange Turn of Phrase
If one goes through peril and comes out alive,
It seems fair to refer to one’s state as “survived”,
But a curious thing is the turning of phrase
That equates every death to the Ending of Days.
I refer to the way a death notice is written,
And how it names those left behind by the smitten.
You’d think they had lived with the sum of all fears
Instead of someone worth the shedding of tears.
I’m a dangerous Man with a pen or a sword,
Have a darkness of soul so you’ll never get bored.
I’m no small Force of Nature, I’ll freely admit,
But you’d think I’m the Devil to read my obit.
Names of loved ones who live when I draw my last breath,
And the newspapers carry the word of my death,
Will appear at the end of a piece that describes me,
And grant them the status of having “survived” me.
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