Rhett Davis Delivers the Folksy Goods

| July 31, 2012

In the last few days I’ve had a song stuck in my head that came straight out of the soundtrack of my youth. Up until recently, it was the only song by Rhett Davis I’ve ever heard. Called I Am the Eagle, it’s a catchy tune that speaks to me on a number of levels. […]

Worldly Wisdom Wednesday – Good Medicine

| July 25, 2012

We live and exist in an ocean of divine consciousness. The plants and trees partake in this consciousness and energy. When we travel the forests and fields, or canoe the lakes, rivers, and streams, we are surrounded by healing energies that nourish the body, mind, and spirit. When the medicine maker declares that we are […]

A Day at the Kejimkujik Story Telling Festival

| July 24, 2012

This past Saturday, Mrs. LFM and I attended and participated in the Kejimkujik Story Telling Festival at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site. The event was also the venue for launch of the revised second edition of  Mi’kmaq Medicines – Remedies and Recollections written by our esteemed Friend, and bottomlessly effervescent fount of ethnobotanical […]

Worldly Wisdom Wednesday – The Way of the Wild

| July 18, 2012

“No organism can afford to be conscious of matters with which it could deal at unconscious levels.” ~ Gregory Bateson – Steps to an Ecology of Mind Every living thing in Nature, flora or fauna, has a Way that defines its ideal state of being. That balanced equation of form and function forged by generations […]

GFY – And That Doesn’t Stand For “Good For You”

| July 9, 2012

Mrs. LFM recently brought to my attention a job posting for a position, one of the primary duties of which was proof reading. The job posting contained two errors that proof reading should have  corrected before the item went out for publication. An argument could be made that the errors weren’t corrected because they really, […]

Welcome to the Jungle

| July 8, 2012

Roads go ever ever on, Over rock and under tree, By caves where never sun has shone, By streams that never find the sea; Over snow by winter sown, And through the merry flowers of June, Over grass and over stone, And under mountains of the moon. ~ The Hobbit ~ My 24 June 2012 […]

Calling a Spade a Spade

| July 6, 2012

When I go into a coffee shop it’s always serious business, for I am in need of the blackest, most evil brew they have. The one that, if not sold quickly, will eat through the pot, the floor beneath, and on to the Earth’s core. Yesterday I was doing a routine inspection on some equipment […]