Smoke, Mirrors, and a Soldier

| March 25, 2018

I read an article the other day written by Josh Makuch and published last Friday to Vice  with the title, “I’m a Veteran In Favour of More Gun Control — Gun owners could learn a lot from how the Canadian military treats their firearms.” This was, of course, trendy because the Trudeau government is only this […]

Musings on Musketry — Part the Second: The Real Meaning of “Military Grade”

| March 23, 2018

When last we convened in the matter of musketry, I closed with reference to how, “The care and feeding, proper shooting, and maintenance of a wooden stocked rifle, particularly one of this vintage, requires dedication to what it means to be a Marksman.” As you will know from having read the first installment in this […]

Knock Knock

| March 4, 2018

Knock Knock By LFM Our foe believed his camp well hid, But OPSEC, his was slack. We knew exactly where it was And gave his bivouac.