Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 31: Let the Ribaldry Begin

| October 31, 2019

Here we are again, Goode Reader, at the end of another season of Dark Sentiments. Our most heartfelt thanks to you all for joining us and staying the course As regular attendees will recall, this is not only All Hallows Eve, the night when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 30: Garden Party

| October 30, 2019

On an individual level, Human beings are simultaneously insanely fragile and unbelievably hard to kill, both qualities having often been documented in the same individual. In our conceit, we find it easy to imprint that characteristic on other creatures, forgetting they don’t share our tendency to overthink things, overplay their importance, or react emotionally to […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 29: An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe

| October 29, 2019

Welcome back Goode Reader. You will no doubt recall that I have invoked the august names of Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent Price more than once in these October forays and tonight we will revisit both Gentlemen simultaneously. Produced in 1970, An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe is just short of an hour’s worth of […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 28: Pets

| October 28, 2019

Close on the heels of Day 26 comes this award winning German gem from 2018. Directed by David Wunderlich, Pets tells its story from that vantage from which the obvious conclusion is you should have been careful what you wished for. Take a draught of whatever you think will make the neutering hurt least — […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 27: A Word From Mother Nature

| October 27, 2019

In the wake of a certain Swedish girl’s advent upon the world stage as the front man of a new crew of environmental influencers, legitimacy of urgency has come to be blurred so an already distrustfully polarized world is more entrenched than ever in Buridan’s Dilemma. Tonight’s Dark Sentiment is a well crafted word from […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 26: Hier Encore

| October 26, 2019

The melancholy ballad from which tonight’s Dark Sentiment draws its title was written by Charles Aznavour and released in his 1964 album of the same name. Translated literally into English (always a mistake, but here we are), it means “Yesterday Again”, and you may know it best in the English translation by Herbert Kretzmer from […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 25: Mycelium

| October 25, 2019

“Man, a social animal, seeks to live in communities, varying in size from remote single family homesteads, to congested cities made of high rise buildings. Where you live most likely fits somewhere in between – those popularly referred to as “homeless” I will speak to in a future article in this series, for they cannot […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 24: Little Tombstone

| October 24, 2019

In case you’re at risk of forgetting both the role a healthy dose of opportunism plays in the world, and that if you find yourself in a fair fight your tactics suck, tonight’s Dark Sentiment will set you to rights. Little Tombstone is a 2011 child of the Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (ESMA) and I’ll […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 23: Dead Spider Serenade

| October 23, 2019

This is a song I wrote based loosely on actual events. There is music and I’ll be recording it for your edification in a future fit of publication. In the mean time here’s — Dead Spider Serenade By LFM Dearest spider on the ceiling I won’t ask you how you’re feeling We’ve not spoken since […]

Dark Sentiments Season 10 — Day 22: Keeping Watch

| October 22, 2019

Another rite of passage piece with echos of last season’s Willie and the Bear. The term “traveller’s lantern”, perverted to Hunter’s lantern here, and not to be confused with Hunter’s Moon, refers to a time when safe travel was denied to the average bloke between the last quarter, through new, and to the first quarter of […]