Dark Sentiments Season 15 — Day 5: A Man Of His Times

| October 5, 2024

“All this to bring us here tonight where no man is of a piece, unless that’s all you’ve left of him.” ~ Dark Sentiments Season 15 — Day 2: Authority With your blood clearly still up from last night’s Sword Dance, I would be remiss in abandoning the saga of Donald McBane whose early experiments […]

Dark Sentiments Season 15 — Day 1: No Apologies

| October 1, 2024

Welcome back to our fireside, goode and weary Pilgrim, and this 15th Season of Dark Sentiments. Here, by the grim and unflinching Watchstone, we can take our ease, speak freely, and match observations with the utterances of those who would proclaim laws to have it otherwise. We don’t cater to weakness here, nor do we […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 8: Bad Behaviour is Known By Its Outcomes, Even If Not Its Perpetrator (Part 2 of 2)

| October 8, 2023

“There’s an old saying — ‘Safe as houses’ — usually spoken in reference to situations that were anything but safe, but not always. There have forever been people who lived their lives in a wide eyed and blissful belief there can be some place where pain and death won’t find you. “Enter the ‘safe space’ […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 7: Bad Behaviour is Known By Its Outcomes, Even If Not Its Perpetrator (Part 1 of 2)

| October 7, 2023

“To be Truly prepared to Live in the world is to understand and accept complete exposure to it in all its manifestations. No species in Nature, and you may be surprised to learn this includes our own, is naturally predisposed to ‘master’ the elements, nor holds entitlement to live apart from them. Rather, to Thrive […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 6: Correlation and Causation

| October 6, 2023

“Spirit Messengers. The term conjures images of animals sent by a higher power to offer guidance toward the right Path. A Google search will turn up reams of pages identifying the characteristics of each creature, along with its “meaning” should it choose to make itself seen to you under a variety of circumstances. “As with […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 5: A Certain Scent of Self-Importance

| October 5, 2023

hu·man noun A self-identified lesser god designed by a committee consisting of the feuding members of a large and dysfunctional extended family obsessed with entitlement to positions of inheritance from the estates of elders who not only aren’t dead yet, but certain to outlive them all. ~ Excerpt from Large Fierce Mammal’s Bigge Booke of […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 4: Bicycle Face

| October 4, 2023

The title of tonight’s Dark Sentiment is not a reference to one of those personal expressions of passion referred to as “sex face” which should need no explanation among this crowd, nor is it an insult like “fuck face”. It’s not the facial expression one may get at the moment of perception that an accident […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 3: Létal Morbier

| October 3, 2023

In keeping with Dark Sentiments custom, we will take a slight side route tonight to revel in the fell imaginings of selected world artists. For your viewing pleasure, prepare to regard Létal Morbier, described thus by its creators: A colony of mice regularly performs a mystic ceremony in which a member is chosen to be […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 2: When Words Hold No Meaning

| October 2, 2023

Discussion of any topic demands an agreed upon definition of terms, which is something that has, and seems hell bent on continuing to, become more fraught with every passing day. It’s easier to “win” you see, when you have claimed the right to redefine every word in the dictionary, obviously also including what “win” means. […]

Dark Sentiments Season 14 — Day 1: Welcome to the End of the World As We Know It

| October 1, 2023

Welcome back oh weary Pilgrim to another season of Dark Sentiments where everything dark is darker yet! As you’ve clearly passed alive, if not unscathed, through the travails that for brevity I will refer to as “since last time”, you have earned your place at the fire we’ve stoked yet again to warm you through […]