The seemingly lowly leaf of the Bay Laurel tree, but appearances are deceiving. (Source here)
In this age of divided loyalties and unending crisis, some cower. Some assert themselves from the perceived safety of throngs screaming a common slogan understood differently by each throat and hearing ear. Some look to a saviour. Still others understand that if there is a saviour, in the hour of need it’s going to have to be them because the “first responder” in that moment is already there well before any finger dials 911.
Of those latter, some label themselves and others as “sheep dogs”, “wolves”, and “sheeple”. Their every move, the way they dress, the words they speak, the tattoos they wear and the bumper stickers they apply to their vehicles, identifies their chosen way of being, because a lot of them want everyone to know it.
The risks associated with much of what one sees abroad upon the land, including that part of the land called “the Internet”, are obvious. Unless you’ve chosen your audience with discretion, you are making yourself a target. Anyone can be gotten to no matter how prepared, but he sleeps best who doesn’t hide a key to the back door of his castle in plain sight.
But there is another subset that is both well represented and hard to spot unless you know what you’re looking for, and that’s the point. I speak of the Grey Man — variously defined as, “An average, forgettable man who does not draw attention or stand out in a crowd.” Note that this isn’t a recent development. Spies and assassins have been doing it forever.
Sheep dog, wolf, sheep, grey man, however you see yourself, I am here tonight to tell you that all of these epithets fall short of the mark you should be aspiring for.
I say, be as the Bay Leaf.
Be As The Bay Leaf
The unassuming Bay Leaf, known to ancient Greece and Rome
Is in your kitchen, like as not, and in most every home.
To leave it out when called for is impossible to hide,
“What does it do?” is understood by everyone who’s tried.
It looks like many common leaves you’d find a day afield,
And whoever first espied its ways is ne’er to be revealed,
Much is lost from then to now for mysteries remain,
And he who’d name it “common” would had better think again!
The Bay is what it is no matter what travails befall,
Boil it, bake it, steep it, it will stand before them all,
Coming out unaltered ere it joined the bill of fare,
And leaving things much better for its simply being there.
And he who fain would masticate this gentle leaf of power
Will find himself in battle pressed more hotly by the hour,
For even when its done its job, Bay’s vigour isn’t spent,
With back of throat sensations urging sinners to repent!
To staunchest chews it shows disdain to hold its shape and poise,
To swallow any part forbids the utterance of noise,
So bring the best to everything you touch whate’er befall,
And hold thee to this guidance, be as Bay Leaves one and all.