
| June 16, 2019

“My Father, Lawrence, taught me to stand straight and tall, look others in the eye, and that there is a difference between making an enemy and recognizing one. He taught me that a good technician, confounded by his failure to diagnose a problem or to make a thing work, blames himself first, steps back to […]

Time Spent on Reconnaissance is Seldom Wasted

| June 9, 2019

The title of today’s piece is taken from Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden, and I believe perfectly encapsulates the philosophy Mrs. LFM and I bring to every activity that takes us into the field. As I’ve mentioned before, where and how we live means being able to walk out the back door […]

The Perils of Drinking with Clergy

| June 8, 2019

“There will be times when asking for the “church key” will be taken literally, and they will always laugh heartily and high-five one another as though it’s the first time any of them has ever done it.” ~ The Perils of Drinking with Clergy, Volume V ~

You’ve Got to Keep Your Workin’ Hand Clean

| June 2, 2019

You’ll be happy to know I have a tune worked out for this and will record it for your delectation in the near future. Now all I need is a ukulele player. As usual, anyone from among my talented population of fans is welcome to tackle it themselves and send it in for publication. You’ve […]