Your Head is Covered in Moss Again

| June 23, 2018

In the Universal scheme of things, your life will have the duration and meaning of a gnat’s fart, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy the view as long as it lasts. Take a moment to share it from the vantage of Hew and Kew. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum Gentlerocks.

Short on Gas

| June 21, 2018

As if the news hasn’t been serving up enough provocation for eyebrow raising, brow furrowing, and lip pursing to last us up to Yule, this Summer Solstice found us waking up to news out of Europe proclaiming CO2 shortage could leave beer drinkers flat — Supply in Europe runs thin just as World Cup boosts […]

Musings From the Road — Last Day of Spring Edition

| June 20, 2018

Notwithstanding the presence of automotive AC, and casting all concerns of increased fuel consumption from aerodynamic drag aside, there is a place in my world for Hillbilly air conditioning. For you uninitiated to its joys, that’s driving fast with all the windows open. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the 44 of my 61 […]

A Week in Thirty-six Movements

| June 16, 2018

I have just come out the other end, as it were, of a week of battle with an intestinal infection of surpassing vileness. Among other things, it spawned this. Critic’s Notes on Maestro Whynacht’s Symphony, “A Week in Thirty-six Movements” I attended the first performance of Maestro Whynacht’s daunting new symphony, “A Week in Thirty-six […]