Dark Sentiments 2015 – Day 16: The Stranger at the Door

Posted By on October 16, 2015


3 Responses to “Dark Sentiments 2015 – Day 16: The Stranger at the Door”

  1. Jay Heathman says:

    Superb; it almost cries out for an extended series of verses, akin to the Beowulf saga. But I suppose that will have to wait until the completion of your other work in progress. Mentime, may I humbly ask you to read these two articles, which I believe will resonate with you? The first is shorter, the second a bit lengthy but if you have the time I believe you will find them both edifying and strongly akin -if not identical – to the warrior ethos embraced by such people as you and myself. All tbe best – j



  2. Gary Carbone says:

    Well written again, sir. I am still waiting for you to "borrow" a phrase from a poem we both enjoyed before: "….now he lives a life of crime…."
    No credit or footnotes necessary….

  3. Don't worry my Esteemed Friend. That day of borrowing is coming. Weren't you supposed to email or otherwise send me the complete collection? The memory fades as one slips into dotage.

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