Dark Sentiments Season 13 — Day 12: Monsters Monsters Everywhere, Up Your Bum and In Your Hair

Posted By on October 12, 2022


2 Responses to “Dark Sentiments Season 13 — Day 12: Monsters Monsters Everywhere, Up Your Bum and In Your Hair”

  1. el hansh says:

    My own monsters? They are there when needed for sure but they also appear at the most inopportune times. Excellent piece by the way.
    Facing the thing you least want to face has to be overcome in order to deal with extremities of any sort and doing dastardly deeds is as natural as knowing how to handle an erection (no pun intended.)
    The problem arises most acutely when wanting to wreak total devastation but suddenly becoming entrapped by the absurdity of religious doctrine.

    Moving on to 14

  2. Randy says:

    I’m happy you enjoyed.

    Much can be realized in an exercise wherein a cause of unease is located as a dark corner of the mind where the inner eye is exhibiting a powerful reluctance NOT to look.

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