Weihnachtsjäger School of Charm — Let’s Talk About Manners
Posted By Randy on January 21, 2024
Previously from Weihnachtsjäger School of Charm:
Today’s Lesson
Timely Advice is Never Too Late
Your use to the World comes from skills that you have,
And the things that you know how to do.
Some come by Nature, while others are learned,
Adding Value to all that is you.But whose acts aren’t a match for the words that he speaks
Needs must hark to this lesson of old —
If you prove that you can’t or won’t do what you say,
There’ll be nought but to do as you’re told.
If you’ve spent much time here, and certainly as these lessons progress, you will know that I use terms, examples, and metaphors that may be controversial among those parts of the population prone to focusing on the wording instead of the meaning.
Whether your family, friends, colleagues, heirs, successors, or assigns agree with any specific utterance, singly or en masse, should be of no consequence to you for everyone is the villain in someone’s story, no man is of a piece, and even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
A misplaced sense of entitlement is among the least attractive manifestations of bad manners I can name, and is a root cause for much of what troubles the world.
“Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist … you name it. It makes no difference what label you apply to yourself, nor even if you apply one at all, for the name holds far less significance than the fundamental and visible expression of your beliefs, and by that I mean the way in which they govern your behaviour. On those rare occasions when someone, learning that we LFMs are not Christians, inquires as to what then, exactly, we are, my reply is usually an iteration of this question – ‘Why don’t you watch me, see how I treat the world and how I live my life, and then decide for yourself from there?’
“On even rarer occasions, when I feel the tone of the query calls for it, I fix them with a look that lasts until they start to seem uncomfortable, and then answer, ‘Noble Savages.'” ~ A Long Winter’s Night 2013 – Day 2: Of Pagans, Heathens, and the Noble Savage
So now be sure to read what’s linked throughout this preamble, and then join me as I sit on a stump by a three legged Hemlock Tree to take a rude and crude look at Hunting, Foraging, and Manners from the perspective of this Noble Savage.
A new turn of page, enjoyed the video, and the message.
Martin M
Thank you Martin. Stay tuned for my Bear ‘Rasslin’ series, coming in the spring!
The series is rapidly developing into a manual for higher understanding of the world about us. The ideas can definitely be used by any person of intelligent merit regardless of domicile.Huzzah! Huzzah!