A Covenant with Motherhood
Posted By Randy on May 10, 2015

Mrs. LFM and SFM Viktor, our first born, on 3 September 2013, mere hours after an emergency C-section following 45 hours of hard labour. (LFM photo)
“While childbirth is, as the saying goes, one of the most truly Natural things in the world – a task that a Woman’s body is designed to perform repeatedly – it does not come without risk, and anything can happen. Here’s a reality check for you – as far back as our decision to pursue conception, we were in agreement that if things went south and I was solely faced with making a decision to save the life of Mother or child, I would choose my Wife.” ~ Advent of a Small Fierce Mammal – September 2013
On this day held forth as one for the celebration of Motherhood, let it not be forgotten that there is a dark side to the equation. Don’t get me wrong Goode Reader, for in this I don’t suggest for a moment that pregnancy and childbirth are things to be shied away from in fear of grievous bodily harm, nor are they to be viewed as mechanisms of tragedy. Neither do I imply that I have any reason whatsoever to expect loss of my beloved Wife in the course of this latest wondrous pregnancy, now mere weeks from fruition, nor to shun another after this.
Be that as it may, throughout history, women have died for a variety of reasons associated with Motherhood – some due to medical complications affecting the pregnancy and/or birthing process, others because they couldn’t conceive at all and thus felt the wrath of those who would have rather they did. I could go on, but let us stop there. As I said, there is a dark side to this joyous equation notwithstanding my craving for a healthy Mother and child at the end of it all.
Selfish bastard that I am, I see my Beloved Wife, and most perfect Mother of our children now and to be, physically manifesting her Love for me by placing her Life on the line for the most primal and powerful of reasons. Proving, as if that were ever necessary, her loyalty and courage, as we plunge together headlong into the blessed state of Parenthood knowing all the while that the imperatives of Nature care not for the joys or the sorrows of Her Children. Only that She has them, Strong and True.
We treasure this adventure, Mrs. LFM and I, and every day along this Path I Love her more. So, I offer this collection of verse that I can’t, contrary my custom, read aloud to her before publication.
The vocal afflictions of emotion don’t you know.
My apologies my Love. I know how you enjoy my voice.
A Covenant with Motherhood
Joy abounding brought to this,
By Nature’s Laws and sweetest kiss,
My Love, that I may lose you now …
Please hear my mind, and know my vow.
The advent of our child draws near.
I’ll not diminish that with fear,
For Motherhood’s a Holy thing
The Mother of us All doth bring.
So as we know it, you and I,
That giving Life, there’s some that die,
My Love, we share this joy, us two,
Whilst pray me to The Gods – not you.
But know thee Love, that Nature’s plan
Lies far beyond the ken of Man,
And what my selfish wants require
May find us short of Their desire.
And so, whatever comes to be,
This covenant’s for you and me –
The Bairns we have, I’ll see them whole
To Warriors of Heart and Soul.
For though I crave with all of me
Forever more for US to be,
The way forever’s meant for us
Is through our Bairns, t’was ever thus!
<3 <3 <3