Dark Sentiments 2015 – Day 22: But it Does Rhyme – Part 1 of 2

Posted By on October 22, 2015


One Response to “Dark Sentiments 2015 – Day 22: But it Does Rhyme – Part 1 of 2”

  1. Steve says:

    I watched about twenty minutes of this but had to let it go due to poor video and audio. I did jump around and picked up bits here and there. I may have missed some salient points, however, aside from the then (1971) faddishness of the witch cult, and of course, Salem, way back when, etal. there have always been those who would like to connect to ‘powers’ that enhance alleged authority into the unknown that will always grab the attention and somewhat devotion of the masses and give ‘true’ devotees, special super-duper powers. People forget, ‘they are what they eat’ If you want to talk about cultism, it is important to remember important cults such as voodoo, scientology, catholocism, paganism, judaism, atheism, elvisism, zen… whatever. All based on someone or something in ancient times having dropped off pamphlets that for some reason just happened to disappear over time
    What astounds me more and more as man supposedly continues to evolve is the running of the very same masses to each and every ‘cool’ movement that promises salvation in any form you can imagine, including of course, Jedi knightism.
    It is always the same old bogus battle of good versus evil, which is something that you know my feelings toward … there is no such thing as yin and yang, which is not to suggest that yin and yang do not exist..
    All of the sensationalism attributed to each cult as it gains prominence is generally (perish the thought), geared to the raising of money, oh, heaven forfend, I mean consciousness. You do remember Carlin when he did the bit about god being such a wonderful and omnipotent ‘thing’ and he loves you but he needs money.
    Just thought to ramble a tad here.

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